美玲-新加坡 說 : 我想请问一下,澳洲悉尼那里的伙伴是怎么得到奖金的?直接汇款还是支票? .


Vicky薇淇-台北★KAVEN 說 : Hello Peter ~ I would like to ask Australia noted that the bonus? Direct remittance or check?

P說 : Hi Vicki.. the commission is paid by Direct Remittance to the BP bank account


P說 : Your Australian downline just need to fill out this form http://www.vemmaaustralia.com/pdf/direct-deposit-auth.pdf    and send it to the fax or address

下載PDF檔 填寫後   傳真 或郵寄到VEMMA澳洲分公司

文章轉載自: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/vemma-global/article?mid=2212&prev=-1&next=2207




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